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We Develop High Performance Systems
for IIoT, Industry4.0, and Edge Processing Applications

CRATUS takes pride in developing custom solutions for sensing and signal processing at the edge. We push and redefine the edge with our engineered solutions for applications where speed and accuracy count.

CRATUS conducts R&D studies, and develops manufacturing-ready designs of devices and systems, engineers products for scalable manufacturing, and works with global manufacturing companies. On customer request, CRATUS deploys and manages the developed systems for clients on the field through Managed IoT Services.

CRATUS conducts R&D studies, and develops manufacturing-ready designs of devices and systems, engineers products for scalable manufacturing, and works with global manufacturing companies. On customer request, CRATUS deploys and manages the developed systems for clients on the field through Managed IoT Services.

CRATUS provides engineering innovation and development services to electric vehicles, manufacturing, energy, life science equipment, civil infrastructure (construction, telecommunication, cities and municipalities or buildings), industrial automation, and robotics industries.

Product Development and Launch Planning

Engineering Meets Finance

Our goal is to have our customers reach the level of profitability they envision as quickly as possible. We support customers by understanding their business as well as they do and providing technology solutions to the exact needs of the use cases. We convert the needs into their core product offerings by leading weekly meetings with our design and technology experts. We wear many hats, but the most important is providing. A clear line of communication between business-level operations of our customers and our technology development is an integral part of our contribution to customer success.

Product development cycles start with huge excitement and motivation to create a never-seen-before product that will make the world a better place. The key point to consider at this phase is to estimate the value that the product will offer to the world as well as analyzing what it would take to bring it to the world. We support our customers by sharing our experience and estimates and help them with their financial planning.

Hosted Laboratory and R&D Services

Distributed team working on hardware and software? We guide the way with one of the most unique business models out there today. We run your lab, remotely!… Send your hardware to us, just connect to our network and connect to your hardware in our lab space. We host multiple development setups to which you can remotely login and get to coding. The IoT hardware that we host becomes a truth data generator or a reference data generator.

Complete IoT Product Development Services

IoT is the enabler of countless opportunities to digitize and connect everything around you. We enable companies to create and perfect their systems and products that are seamlessly connected. Teaming up with our customers, we share the vision for the final product from the beginning to the end. We co-create starting from the initial idea on the back of a napkin, to the final expected performance, from the initial prototypes to the manufacturing line.

IoT product development is a multi-disciplinary effort that requires us to understand the product and the business equally as intimately as, or better than our customers do. We translate their vision into a product, thanks to the presence of the required engineering disciplines in our DNA, our team.


Sensing Systems Development

Have your machines understand and learn the world around them.

We develop systems that quantify physical phenomena, events, and context.
Our engineering team hosts all disciplines that are required to develop end to end sensing systems.
Our pride stems from the miniaturization of the sensing systems.
Our global partners manufacture the systems that we innovate at high volumes.

The general understanding of a “sensor” is a chip that you receive data from. It sounds easy and we also make the development of sensing systems look that easy. However, in most cases developing a system that accurately quantifies context and the physical world is a hard task. Through meticulous architecture, prototyping, design, manufacturing, characterization, calibration, and testing, accommodating for short term and long term drifts, we create systems that solve real-world problems within the specifications, schedule, and budget.

Algorithm Development

The development of algorithms that solve real-world problems that run on microcontrollers with minimum memory footprint is the pinnacle of embedded programming. Combined with Machine Learning techniques and reliable coding practices, we develop algorithms. We create testing systems, collect large sets of data with controlled experiments and refine algorithms to quantify physical events and context.
As an example, we have developed a connected impact analytics platform that can run on Cortex-M4 type controllers, sense impact events up to +/-200g levels, extract context of the impact, such as a fall, collision, roll, etc. The system communicates through Bluetooth and LoRa, WiFi, or NB-IoT. The data is published to its dedicated cloud platform and displays the impacts in millisecond resolution (1ksps effective samples) for the desired duration, with selectable full-scale ranges to optimize resolution – accuracy – fullscale tradeoffs. This product is licensed as an off-the-shelf solution to companies that develop custom impact sensors with CRATUS.

Scientific & Industrial Lighting

We offer custom or semi-custom, innovative engineered lighting solutions for industrial, agricultural, and consumer LED lighting solutions.

We develop white and color LED Lighting modules for research chambers and other scientific purposes. Our lighting solutions are easy to use and implement and they come with driver codes or examples. Choose from our various white and RGB lighting configurations for consistent and reliable performance.

Lighting for Machine Vision Applications

LEDs are the preferred choice for a broad range of scientific applications that have traditionally used incandescent and fluorescent lighting. White and spectrum-specific LED lighting is used where medium-intensity, low-heat lighting is required, including applications in laboratories, R&D facilities, manufacturing lines and food and beverage plants.

Benefits of Dynamic LED Lighting Control

LEDs are reliable and deliver uniform lighting compared to alternatives. White and spectrum-specific (color) LED lighting have excellent performance over wide operating temperatures if designed right. LEDs can be used to control the impact of light quality, brightness and wavelength in end applications and use cases.

LEDs can easily be dimmed or brightened as required without losing performance, they can be designed to yield superior light uniformity, eliminating hot spots and dead zones, especially when custom diffusion elements are used. LEDs also make generation of polarized light with high uniformity easier.

White and spectrum-specific LED lamps use significantly less energy than traditional alternatives. With appropriate measures, they bring improved volumetric temperature uniformity in the systems.

Air Flow and Air Quality Sensors

When it comes to occupant safety in buildings, there is a new variable: The airflow. If you want to live and work in a healthy environment, we suggest quantifying and controlling the fresh airflow in your facility. While measures like physical distancing, use of face coverings, and identifying and isolating infected individuals play important roles in limiting transmission risk, addressing airflow and ventilation has received attention as another measure that can help promote the safety of workers, consumers, and others who spend time indoors.

Until the second quarter of 2020, not many of us (unless you are a professional) besides the scientific community cared about quantifying the airflow in our dwellings, offices, in the places we live, work, dine and sleep. COVID-19, mostly an airborne disease changed it all. Now we have tighter airflow requirements emerging for facilities, buildings, and any establishment where moderate to high occupancy density occupancy is expected. CRATUS creates novel solutions for air quality sensing, airflow sensing, and ventilation control for businesses. Contact us for more information at

Machine Learning:
Truth Data Extraction and Model Construction

Probably the single long pole in algorithm and model development for Machine Learning (ML) applications is data generation. If your success depends on the diversity, quality or breadth of your truth data sets for physical events, annotated data, or learning data sets, consider contacting us and we explore all the options together. CRATUS generated realistically constructed data sets from empirical or close to empirical data, that is parametrically or statistically generated. Especially when it comes to creating Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) systems, this is a must-have service from CRATUS.

Test Systems Development

The testing of the IoT product seems to be an afterthought. Work with us to generate testing strategies for your IoT systems, place design for testability earlier on in your schedule and create test systems, jigs or setups early on so that your product is a complete success

Industrial Design

CRATUS transforms your plans, concepts, and vision into 3D that provide you the real look and feel for the physical product. The materials, the user experience, and usability of the product come together in a well thought of prototype that results in the final manufacturable industrial design.

In CRATUS we apply the aesthetics and the user experience requirements to the industrial and mechanical design and then combine the outcome with the electrical design to create a product that is manufacturable and safe to use in its designated environment.
1) 3D modeling – Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
2) Design for Excellence (DFx)
3) Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
4) 2D Engineering Drawings
5) Rapid Prototyping
6) Manufacturing support
7) Playbooks: Manufacturing and assembly Instructions Documentation
With in-house prototyping capabilities and close connections with suppliers for a variety of materials and contract manufacturers for a variety of manufacturing processes, CRATUS designs and delivers products that exceed your expectations.

Mechanical Design

Taking into account the industrial design, electrical and environmental requirements and trade-offs, we engineer the structural details of your product, bringing solutions to electromechanical integration, environmental, usability and manufacturing challenges and deliver prototyped, piloted and manufacturable risk-free designs. We execute by working in tandem with the stakeholders from marketing and business to manufacturing and supply chain.

Mechanical Modeling and Simulation

Using state-of-the-art Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools and solid mechanical engineering judgment we optimize designs and their expected performance to unleash your product’s full potential.

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One of our sensor experts will be communicating with you shortly. We are committed to understanding your application and providing support, tailored to your specific requirements.